Garrett Co. Commission for Women


September 2, 2014 Minutes
Joanne Harsh called to order the September 2, 2014 meeting of the Garrett County Commission for Women (GCCW) at Clear Mountain Bank, Oakland, MD.
ATTENDANCE : Ruth Umbel, Joanne Harsh, Elizabeth Huxford, Robin McGill, Cherie Krug, Marilyn Moors
MINUTES:    The July minutes were approved as submitted.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  There has been no activity since the May meeting. The current balance is $2924.93.  Joanne will request and pick up a check from the commissioners.
See notes in new business.
HISTORIAN:  need Chair
LEGISLATION:  Marilyn reported that the Annual Women’s MD State Legislature Briefing will be held Sunday, January 25th from 12:30 to 6 pm.  Ruth Umbel will try to attend.
WEB SITE:  Everyone agreed that the site looks GREAT!  Thanks BJ!
HALL OF FAME:  No report
PUBLICITY:  No report
Membership:  need Chair
Mentoring Program:  no report
Officers were elected. The slate is: Chair – Ruth Umbel, Vice Chair – Joanne Harsh, Treasurer – Elizabeth Huxford and Secretary – Terry Riley. Committee Chairs – Education – Marilyn Moors, Scholarship – Robin McGill, Historian – Open, Legislation – Ruth Beitzel, Web Site – BJ Gallagher, HOF – Ruth Umbel and Judy Carbone, Publicity – Dorothy Walters, Membership – Open.
There was much discussion on what the GCCW scholarship paperwork should look like, what we want our definition of a non-traditional student to be and how to get it put together in time for a December deadline.  Since a spring scholarship was not awarded, the December deadline will be to catch us up on donations for the 2014 year.
Consensus of those present for who will be considered eligible for our scholarship are:
·         2 years out of high school
·         And/or at least 20 years of age
·         A female with a high school diploma or a high school equivalency
·         A Garrett County resident for at least the past 5 years
·         Accepted to a vocational, technical or academic program at an accredited institution, which will lead to a certificate of completion or a degree
Essay will be eliminated.
Scholarship will be for $1000.
Cherie will create a cover page for the scholarship application that more clearly outlines who is eligible, how much the scholarship is and what it can be used for, etc.Robin will create a poster similar to the one she created for BPW advertising the scholarship. Marilyn will create an application page similar to what AAUW and BPW are using.Once finalized, BJ will be asked to upload the program to a tab on our website.
NEXT MEETING:  Many asked that the meetings be switched to the even months.  It was agreed that this would work better for both our current need to finalize the scholarship material and to better plan the HOF in the future.  Therefore, the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 5 p.m. at GARRETT COLLEGE, McHenry.  This will be a special meeting to finalize the scholarship materials and to celebrate Ruth Umbel’s birthday.  Ruth will provide pizza, Joanne will bring paper plates and drinks, Chere will bring cupcakes.  Please bring a little something to share. The December meeting will be held on December 2 at Garrett College in the President’s Board Room at 5:00 pm.
ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Huxford,
GCCW Treasurer