Garrett Co. Commission for Women


February 3, 2015
Attendance; Ruth Umbell, Sherry Fredlock, Judy Carbonne, Dorothy Walters. With attendance low, there was not a quorum. We did however conduct a great conversation, as follows.
-finances are still the same. $5000 will go to scholarships.
-all 5 awardees were contacted, the 3 ‘no’ were encouraged to re-apply next year
-Judy brought up a concern about not having a financial cushion. If we have a low turnout for breakfast, where does the money come from?
-We will take/publish a photo of the scholarship winners with the Commissioners
-Garrett Mentors may be expanding into middle school. How can we have the best impact here?
-2nd Chances for Women, AAUW sponsored, is March 28 @ the college.
-Legislation Report from Sherry…there is legislation under way to provide scholarships for women’s education expenses.
-HoF articles will start running soon.
-We still have 2 membership slots open
-HoF invitations are done
-Dutch’s is booked for 4/25/15
-Sherry F will contribute the programs for HoFJ
-Should we move the meeting to the college, where after 5pm entry into the building is not an issue?