Garrett Co. Commission for Women


Garrett County Commission for Women April 4, 2016 Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: Ruth Umbel called to order the April 4, 2016 meeting of the Garrett County Commission for Women (GCCW) at Garrett College, McHenry, MD.
ATTENDANCE:Ruth Umbel, Joanne Harsh, Robin McGill, Dorothy Walters, Kitty Lauer,Terry Riley, Judy Carbone, Sherri Fredlock, Linda Carr,Cheri Krug
PRAYER: Joanne Harsh offered the prayer.
PLEDGE: Robin McGill led the Pledge to the Flag.
MINUTES: Minutes from the February 2, 2016 meeting were approved as submitted.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The current balance in the account is $2874.60. Checks have been written for the Web – $53.96 and Master Draft for HOP Invitations – $39.00. A motion was made, seconded and was carried to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
OLD BUSINESS: During a discussion regarding fracking at the February meeting, whether to invite Rebecca Rare to a GCCW meeting which would be open to other community groups was proposed. After discussion, the Commission has decided that Judy will contact Ms. Rare to see when she might be available for a GCCW meeting. Judy will follow up with an email.
HALL OF FAME: The HOF is scheduled for April 30th. Ruth asked that Commission members make their reservations soon. Thirty invitations have been sent. Joanne will arrange for the bowls at Helbigs and Sherri will pick them up. Judy will prepare the biographies for the paper. Joanne and Sherri will man the registration table. Judy will print name tags. Ruth will confirm the
reservations with Dutch’s. The 2016 Nominees are Evelyn Heise, Louella Hinebaugh and Mercedes Pellet.
EDUCATION: Five scholarship applications have been received. One was incomplete. (Robin will send her a letter to encourage her to apply next year.) The four recipients are: Sarah Baker, Erica Umbel, Hannah Newcomb and Kenya Rinker. They or a family member will attend the HOF. Sherri will prepare checks.
LEGISLATION: The Paid Sick Leave Bill is moving forward. Equal Pay passed. Ruth and Judy shared their experiences with the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women. Ruth encouraged others to get involved in testifying in Annapolis on legislation concerning issues of importance to women. Judy will forward information regarding MLAFW to the Commission.
WEB: The site is up to date. BJ asked that any additional information be sent to her.
PUBLICITY: Dorothy reported that the papers have been very receptive – especially the Weekender. HOF articles with pictures will be in the paper after the event.
MEMBERSHIP: Joanne reported that we have 12 members. The following members will go off the Commission at the end of June – Ruth Umbel, Dorothy Walters and Joanne Harsh. Joanne reminded the Commission that we have a file cabinet at the Library.
MENTORING: Middle School mentoring is going well. Lisa Thayer Welch will speak with the group in April. Garrett College would like each new student to have a mentor in place by Fall.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at Garrett College.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Riley