Garrett Co. Commission for Women


Garrett County Commission for Women
April 3, 2018
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Judy Carbone at 5:07 pm.
Judy Carbone, Sherri Fredlock, BJ Gallagher (by phone), Maureen Myers, Linda Carr, Cheryl DeBerry,
and Lisa Thayer Welch (by phone).
There was a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes from the February 2018 meeting were approved; all in favor.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Sherri Fredlock reported that the current balance in the checking account
was $4,852.41 after a donation of $125 to Maryland Association of Student Councils and reimbursement
to Judy Carbone for Hall of Fame Breakfast supplies of $41.80. There was a second charge from IPage
for $27.99 and BJ was checking to see what that was for. She has several checks to deposit from the Hall
of Fame Breakfast and although we have 69 reservations paid on EventBrite, we will not receive the
money until up to two weeks after the event. We will be awarding five $500 scholarships the morning of
the breakfast and will need to pay Dutch’s that morning as well. Sherri felt confident we had enough in
the account to cover everything but offered to write a check from her personal account to be reimbursed
later if necessary. Cost of the breakfast was $1800 last year including gratuity but we’re looking to have
even more attendees this year. She also handed out new nametags to the commission members.

  1. Cherie Krug has resigned her position on the Women’s Commission, citing personal and
    professional reasons.
  2. Cheryl reported that the new GCCW Facebook page was up and running and was getting some
    traffic. She has been using that to promote the Hall of Fame Breakfast. She is using the hashtog

garrettwomen. Judy thought we could maybe get other county women’s groups to also use that

hashtag in their promotions as well.

  1. Maureen was asked to give a review of Fall Planning Event. She reported that after the Hall of
    Fame Breakfast was over she would call a meeting of interested commission members to start
    planning the event.
  2. Judy had emailed a proposed letter to the Garrett County Commissioners on sexual harassment
    and assault after meeting with Heather Hanline, Executive Director for The Dove Center. The
    commissioners discussed the wording of the letter and Sherri volunteered to help edit. Lisa
    Welch made a motion to send the revised letter to the County Commissioners but it died for lack
    of a second. Because we had just received the letter that day and many commissioners hadn’t had
    a chance to review or weren’t in attendance, Maureen made a motion that the discussed revisions
    be sent to the members of the Commission for review and vote on whether or not to send it out
    with an electronic vote.
  3. Maureen reminded the Commission to send names of potential Officers to her by June to be voted
    on for the August meeting. If you are interested in serving as an office, please let Maureen know.
  4. Nominations are also open for prospective new members to the Commission. Because of Cheri’s
    resignation, we no longer have a membership chairperson and will have at least four positions to
    fill. According to protocol, potential members should have been invited to this meeting. Linda
    offered to help fill the position until October. She asked for names of potential members and will
    contact them. It was also decided to announce the vacancies on Facebook and at the Hall of
    Fame Breakfast. We will also look to current and former recipients of the Hall of Fame for
    potential nominees.
  5. Cheryl DeBerry and Judy have compiled a Garrett County Women’s Data Sheet, based on U.S.
    Census Bureau statistics and adapted from the Maryland Commission for Women “Who We
    Serve” publication. She passed out copies and emailed a PDF version to the rest of the
    commission members. The sheet shows important statistics about our County including
    population, earning comparison, Dove Center stats and more. She will have copies available at
    the Hall of Fame Breakfast. Cheryl thanked Kim Durst in Economic Development for finding
    most of the statistics in the data sheet. Judy thanked Cheryl for all her hard work in formatting
    the data sheet.
    Hall of Fame – The Hall of Fame breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 7th at Dutch’s at Silver Tree.
    We have at least 78 seats sold and will be giving complimentary tickets to our three nominees and their
    spouses as well as our six scholarship winners. BJ will ask Dutch’s to set up for 100 people for people
    who come last minute. Lisa and Linda volunteered to work the front door, and Sherri will take care of
    nametags. Judy and BJ will host the event. We have several local dignitaries coming, although because
    our legislators are still in session in Annapolis, Delegate Beitzel and Senator Edwards will most likely not
    be there.
    Scholarship – Lisa will be presenting checks to five women for our annual scholarships plus one winner
    of the Maureen Sharps Memorial Scholarship. The women will be asked to say a few words at the
    Breakfast and Sherri will have flowers to present to each of them as well.
    Legislative – No report.
    PR/Website – The new website is up and running. If anyone else has knowledge of WordPress and would
    like to also be an administrator, let Cheryl know.
    Membership – as noted above.
    Historian – No report.
    By-Laws – No report.
    Community Service – Linda reported that weather had delayed the start of the Ladies Tea presentations at
    Northern High but will finally get underway this month and there are at least five speakers scheduled for
    April and May.
  6. There was no new business
    The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5 from 5 to 6:30
    Respectfully submitted,
    Linda Carr