The October meeting of the Garrett County Commission for Women was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Chair Lisa Thayer Welch. Due to COVID-19, this meeting was conducted via the Mountainside Marina, Oakland, MD. Teleconference through Google Meet was also available for members to utilize. Also present were Sadie Liller, Erin-Ruth Natividad, Linda Carr, Pam Trickett, Melita Friend, and Juliet Sanders, and a guest, Jessica DiJak. Kristal Huber was in attendance via Google Meet, and Maureen Sheaffer electronically.
A moment of silence was recognized, and the Pledge of Allegiance had been recited.
Secretary’s Report: No report other than the presentation of Minutes from the August 11, 2020 Meeting as prepared by Erin-Ruth Natividad. Melita Friend made a motion for approval, Sadie Liller seconded.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Carr reported a beginning balance of $6,076.24. $2,250 in Scholarship monies had been dispersed and $494.00 had been spent on awards and gifts at Simon Pierce. Linda reported that we had been utilizing the county’s tax-exempt number, and it was brough to her attention this was not favorable. It was identified we get our own tax-exempt number. Sadie Liller advised this may not be cost effective as we only utilize this once a year. Lisa said she would email the state Commission to see their procedure on this matter. Sadie inquired about the Commission is a branch of the Commissioners and should be able use something through the government. Lisa will follow-up as we don’t have a charter or articles. Pam motioned; Erin-Ruth seconded. Linda will follow-up to see if the Commissioner approved funds have hit the account.
Committee Reports:
1. Hall of Fame- Hall of Fame Committee Head is open as Cheryl Deberry is no longer a member of the Commission. Lisa will ask Caroline with the understanding she could delegate duties. Sadie said she felt that the Hall of Fame worked quite well when the shared document was utilized and delegated that way. Lisa will forward any press release information she gathers for the papers to Erin-Ruth for Social Media.
2. Scholarship- Lisa Thayer Welch reported that that the four scholarships were awarded and checks were cleared. Maureen Sharps Scholarship has been sent to FSU on behalf of the winner. Lisa will forward information to Erin-Ruth for Social Media. Woman of Tomorrow press release will be submitted.
3. Legislation- Linda Carr MLAW virtual 11/14/2020. All the organizations will submit legislation for next term. Each bill will receive a presentation. Lisa Thayer Welch said that there is a limit how many bills sponsors can sponsor. We will vote after this session.
4. Public Relations- It has been identified that Cheryl DeBerry’s term was up as of 9/30/2020, and she controlled Website and FB. Lisa Erin-Ruth Natividad advised she would take over this role, and Erin-Ruth will work with Cheryl to gain access. Erin-Ruth discussed the several campaigns she was running in respect of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and other women’s related community issues.
5. Membership- Erin-Ruth said she would comb through the past few meeting minutes, but she felt a reminder or a question may need asked to members since there are people wanting to join. Meeting attendance check. Linda said she should reach out to see her. Erin will also check about Krystal. Pam said members should identify when they won’t make a meeting. Erin-Ruth Natividad advised the Commissioners have been fully updated with membership, and each member has been approved by the Commissioners. Reappointments of Lisa Thayer Welch, Sadie Liller, and Erin-Ruth Natividad were also approved. Erin said the chart may be commissioner appointed may be off.
6. Historian- Rose Gordy was not in attendance. Linda said there was a yearbook for one of the years, and it would be nice to do that. Linda claimed the Commission as a whole could help Rose with this task.
7. By-Laws- Maureen Sheaffer was not attendance physically. Proposed changes to the Bylaws and Strategic Goals were emailed to all members in accordance to the Strategic Planning meeting held in February. Voting could not be taking because a 2/3 was not there. We had 63% VOTERSHIP. Erin motioned and Sadie seconded. Maureen Sheaffer voted electronically. Unanimous approval.
8. Community Projects- Krystal Huber. Due to the Bylaw change, the committee will now be called community projects. It has been previously discussed to assist the Dove Center. Erin-Ruth suggested to do a supply drive. Krystal said she would be available to assist. Erin-Ruth will promote their wish list on the FB page. Pam said they have a regular issue with eating utensils and pillows. Lisa will email Heather Hanline, to see what her wishes were. Pam suggested we sponsor one of the rooms on behalf of the Commission. Sadie motioned for Adult and Juliet seconded. Unanimous Approval. Sadie suggested we also look into a drive for the shelters or the Lighthouse. Melita suggested we help Foster Appalachia as they were greatly affected by fundraiser was cancelled. Jessica said that any goods that could be bought by local small businesses should be sought out. Krystal suggested we set up a women’s career day.
Strategic Plan Guiding Principles:
- Promotion of Services/Issues/Activities-This will be achieved through our Public Relations and Community Projects this month and next.
- Political Participation/Leadership Roles- Erin-Ruth brought it up we discuss Non- partisan candidate conversation, and Jessica suggested to get that younger. Linda said we lost members in the past; however, Linda said to Recommend Emerge Maryland which is an intense year-long training. She said she would find information to forward members.
- Pressing Issues effecting GC Women. Erin Ruth asks women send her events and opportunities. Erin-Ruth would like to make a poster for approval to post in the schools. Erin suggested a career mentorship program. Slated to begin working. Tabled to discuss again at the next meeting further.
- Hall of Fame- Discussed Above.
- Higher Education/Scholarship-Discussed Above.
Old Business:
- Hall of Fame changes due to Covid-19
- Hall of Fame awardees and Scholarship Recognition
- Hall of Fame Plaque- Lisa Thayer Welch sent information to Maureen Sheaffer, and will follow up as Maureen is not present at this meeting.
- Re-appointments and new appointment approval
New Business:
1. New Member Welcome- Amanda Mattingly. She was not in attendance. Lisa will provide contact information to Erin-Ruth for record keeping.
2. New Member Referrals- Lisa will check vacancies within current membership interest. Then members would be invited.
3. Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Current members are asked to forward GCCW Facebook content.
4. Bylaws and Guiding Principles Changes
5. Guiding Principle Working Initiatives- Erin-Ruth Natividad expressed concern that the Commission should be doing more for women in the community and taking more initiative as did the women in the women of the past GCCW and she provided some examples of the tasks she was aware of such as letter writing campaigns, grant writing, taking a large stance on Domestic Violence and pay inequality, etc.
Lisa said she will start with writing a Letter to the Editor with the approval of the others on Domestic Violence, and we will go from there.
6. Election-100 Year Celebration Voting Push share content. Pam asked if we could do a radio ad. Asking go get your voice heard. Educating people how to vote. Sadie said she worked with Benji Law. Erin-Ruth Natividad motioned to spend no more than $500 for 2 weeks to discuss the locations, early voting, and women to exercise the voice. Linda seconded.
8. MLAW Legislative Conference (Nov 14 in Silver Spring). Linda confirmed it’s a virtual event this year.
Agenda Item for Next Meeting:
Linda/Sadie motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Linda Carr seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M. The next meeting is Tuesday, December 1, 2020 from 5 to 6:30 P.M.
Submitted by,
Erin-Ruth Natividad