June 2, 2015
Present: Ruth Umbel (Chair), Joanne Harsh (Co-Chair), Sherri Fredlock, Dorothy Walters, Marilyn Moors, Linda Carr, Elizabeth Huxford, Robin McGill.
Prayer: Dorothy Walters
Pledge to the Flag: Joanne Harsh
Secretary Report: Notes from April 7th minutes were approved. Joanne Harsh made motion to accept, Sherri Fredlock seconded; motion passed.
Treasurer Report: Elizabeth Huxford gave Hall of Fame report; balance in account $757.54. Marilyn Moors made motion to accept, Joanne Harsh seconded; motion passed.
Old Business:Hall of Fame Wrap Up – Good turnout. Recommendation to get prepayment like Ruth Umbel encouraged, because 70 reservations were prepaid. Joanne Harsh heard compliments about the event. At August meeting look for someone to take over for Elizabeth Huxford, who goes off the board in September.
Committee Reports: Education – Marilyn Moors no report; Legislation – Sherri Fredlock: House & Senate passed assistance for child care providers; grants for training more child care providers who will receive certificates for that training. Publicity – Dorothy Walters.Membership – Joanne Harsh reported a need for new chairman & treasurer because Ruth & Elizabeth go off the Commission in September. Marilyn Moors stated she would be going off the Commission also, due to health problems. Ruth Umbel thanked everyone who worked during this year.Scholarship – Robin McGill shared a Thank You card sent to the Commission from recipient, Vanessa Artice.
New Business: Judy Carbone & Marilyn Moors talked about fracking as a women’s issue, & they will have a letter ready at our August meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 5:00 PM at Garrett College in the Board Room. Elizabeth Huxford made motion to adjourn; accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin McGill
Written per request from Ruth Umbel, Chair, because Terry Riley, Secretary,
was absent.