October 7, 2014
CALL TO ORDER: Joanne Harsh called to order the October 7, 2014 meeting of the Garrett County Commission for Women (GCCW) at Garrett College, McHenry, MD.
ATTENDANCE: Ruth Umbel, Joanne Harsh, Elizabeth Huxford, Robin McGill, Cherie Krug, Marilyn Moors, BJ Gallagher, Dorothy Walters,Terry Riley, Judy Carbone
MINUTES: The September minutes were approved as submitted.
TREASURER’S REPORT: A check for $2500 from the Commissioners has been received. Once the check has been deposited, the balance in the account will be $5424.93.
SCHOLARSHIP: The main focus of this meeting is to finalize the Scholarship application and flyer. Changes to the MOU and Attachment A include the organization’s title – Garrett County Commission for Women (GCCW); the MOU will be put on GCCW letterhead; the term “female” will be changed to “woman”. The Guidelines will include a statement that the applicant can’t win two years in a row; Garrett College Office of Financial Aid will be added to the list of where the application forms are available. The deadline for receipt of applications is January 5, 2015. One letter of reference will be required – not three. Robin’s e-mail will be included on the flyer in case the applicants have questions. Robin will update the flyer and e-mail it out. Marilyn and Cherie will make the changes that were discussed during this meeting to the MOU and the application. The number of scholarships to be awarded was discussed. It was decided to wait until the applications have been received to make a decision. It was suggested that we maintain a balance in the checking account to cover one year’s expenses.
WEB SITE: BJ will put the application in Word and put it on the Web site. The goal is that applicants will be able to complete and submit the application on-line.
PUBLICITY: Dorothy will write an article for the Republican with a group picture. The picture was taken for the newspaper with all members showing the signing of our new scholarship MOU and application. The possibility of having a quote from a previous recipient was discussed.
MEMBERSHIP: We currently have ten members. Ruth Beitzel has completed two (3 year) terms. Terry is starting her second term. We need four additional members since Linda Carr said she would like to join us and will send her information to the Commissioners and attend our next meeting. Robin will ask Barb Chesley, Marilyn will ask Karen Lohr, Dorothy will ask Ellen Tran and Julian Masor, Joanne will ask Brenda Brosniham and Pastor Regina from the Lutheran Church at Red House.
LEGISLATION: The Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women will be holding a fall conference on Saturday, November 15, 2914 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Miller Branch of the Howard County Library. This year’s conference will focus on how to advocate for women’s and family issues in the 2015 General Assembly session. For more information call 443-519-1005 or email mdlegagenda4women@yahoo.com. Registration – $35 conference only or $45 which includes conference, workshop and lunch.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 5 p.m. at GARRETT COLLEGE, McHenry. Joanne will bring her rum cake. Please bring an appetizer to share.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Riley