Garrett Co. Commission for Women


Garrett County Commission for Women
August 7, 2018


CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Judy Carbone at 5:03 pm.

Judy Carbone, Sherri Fredlock, BJ Gallagher, Linda Carr, Cheryl DeBerry, Kitty Lauer, Sadie Liller and Lisa Thayer Welch.

There was a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: A motion was made by Linda Carr to approve the minutes as sent out by Judy Carbone, seconded by Kitty Lauer and passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT Sherri Fredlock reported the checking account balance was $2,454.61 on June 5, 2018. Since then, the only check paid out was to MLAW for the 2018 – 2019 dues of $75, leaving a balance of $2,379.61. We have been funded by the County Commissioners for $4,000 for the next fiscal year.


  1. Last month we had two potential members attend our meeting. Heather Cooper has asked that we delay her nomination to a future date. Rachel Bruch is interested in joining the commission. BJ Gallagher made a motion to nominate Rachel Bruch to the Commission, seconded by Linda Carr. It was passed unanimously. Linda will send a letter to the Commissioners asking for her appointment. It was mentioned that Hall of Fame inductee Caroline Blizzard had expressed an interest to join the commission. Linda Carr will follow up with her.
  2. Judy had emailed the Commissioner’s response to our letting requesting a statement on Sexual Assault / Harassment and Support of Local Initiatives. It was very positive and showed their support for our endeavors and their plan to attend the fall conference, and while the county has many procedures in place to deal with sexual harassment at the county level, no statement was issued. October and April are both Domestic Assault Awareness months as well as the dates of our two big events (Fall Conference, Women’s Hall of Fame Brunch), it was hoped that maybe an official proclamation could be requested by the Commissioners at that time. BJ noted that if we go with a larger venue for the Hall of Fame, we could also showcase a table with more information about that and other issues affecting women in our community.
  3. Judy gave an update on a tentative agenda for the Fall Conference and emailed a hard copy to all commission members. We have an opportunity to screen the documentary Heroin(e) about the effects of opioid addiction on Huntington, WV and the story of three women on the fronts lines of the battle with a possibility of having the director / producer available for questions, etc. The finalized date is Friday, October 26th at the Garrett College Auditorium for the screening; Saturday, October 27th for the conference which will include a continental breakfast, listening session to identify issues important to women in the area, lunch, and a speaker (TBD). After some discussion, a motion was made by Cheryl DeBerry that the committee move forward with the propose agenda and reach out to other area women’s groups to help with cost and promotion with a monetary commitment by GCCW of no more than $1,500. The motion was seconded by Sadie and passed unanimously. It was agreed that a target date of September 1st be met by the committee with finalized plans so we can start promoting the event.
  4. Officer Nominations and Elections were tabled to the end of the meeting.
  5. BJ, Sadie, and Cheryl have disbursed the Garrett County Women’s Data Sheet at various events, as compiled by Cheryl DeBerry and Kim Durst of Economic Development and a digital copy was emailed to all members for future use. Cheryl reported that it will be updated annually.
  6. As discussed in the previous meeting, the plaque featuring the names of our Hall of Fame winners has not been updated since 2013 and is running out of room. Judy has been in discussions with Carol at the Commissioner’s office for ideas on how to expand. The Commission voted last meeting to go with a larger plaque, one that will give each woman her own name and year inducted but there may not be room at the courthouse. Lisa will meet with Carol to discuss other options and the Commission agreed to fund the cost of a new plaque once location and size are agreed upon.

Hall of Fame – We are looking for a new venue so we can expand the event. BJ asked that we start making inquiries of different venues (cost / availability) to discuss more at the October meeting. Potential venues discussed were The White Barn, Chanteclaire Farm, Southern Rescue Squad, Cherry Glade Mennonite Church and Wisp.
Scholarship – Cheryl will make sure monies are dispersed from Tucker County Foundation for winner of Sharps scholarship.
Legislative – No report.
PR/Website – No report.
Membership – Four terms are ending this September. Judy Carbone is finishing her second term on the commission. Sherri Fredlock and Linda Carr are completing their first term, both have agreed to serve again. Linda will send a letter to the Commissioners regarding this. With the appointment of Rachel Bruch, we are still at 11 members, down from the 12 to 15 as required per our by-laws.
Historian – No report.
By-Laws – No report.
Community Service – No report

  1. As per Article II, Section 3 of our By-Laws, we do have a policy about attendance at our meetings. We do have one commission member who has not attended any of our meetings since her appointment by the Commissioners. Judy will reach out to gauge her interest in remaining on the commission.
  2. The establishment of a “Woman of Tomorrow” Award was discussed to be presented to a middle or high school girl at the Hall of Fame Brunch. Lisa volunteered to do some research and report via email her recommendations.
  3. New officer nominations. There was one nomination for each of the Officer positions. BJ Gallagher was nominated as Chair, Sadie Liller as Vice Chair, Sherri Fredlock as Secretary and Linda Carr as Treasurer. The floor was open to other nominations. Cheryl made a nomination to accept the nominations as submitted which was seconded by Lisa and passed unanimously by the Commission.
  4. As outgoing chair, Judy passed the “little flag” to BJ. Judy was thanked for her service to the Commission and her work these past two years to focus us in a new direction and to undertake some new initiatives. Judy’s term officially ends on September 30th but she will remain on the committee for the Fall Conference.
    The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 2nd from 5 to 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Carr