Garrett Co. Commission for Women


Garrett County Commission for Women October 4, 2016 Minutes

CALL TO ORDER:  Judy Carbone called to order the October 4, 2016 meeting of the Garrett County Commission for Women (GCCW) at Garrett College, McHenry, MD.
ATTENDANCE: Jeannette Fitzwater, Kitty Lauer, Robin McGill,Terry Riley, Judy Carbone, Sherri Fredlock, BJ Gallagher, Traci Royce
Guests: Ruth Umbel, Joanne Harsh, Maureen Myers, Kristal Huber
PRAYER:  Judy Carbone offered the prayer.
PLEDGE:  Judy Carbone led the Pledge to the Flag
PRESENTATION:  Ruth Umbel and Joanne Harsh were honored by the GCCW for their years of service to the Commission and to the community. Members of the Commission presented Ruth and Joanne with a token of their appreciation.
NOMINATION OF MAUREEN MYERS TO THE COMMISSION:  The GCCW members voted to recommend Maureen to the Board of Commissioners for appointment to GCCW.
MINUTES:     A motion was made by Jeannette with a second from Sherri to approve the minutes from the August 2, 2016 meeting as corrected. Under Old Business, under Education on Page 2, Terry Riley’s name should be removed as one of the Education Chairs. The motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  There has been no account activity since the last report. The current balance in the account is $1167.00.   A motion was made, seconded and was carried to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
OFFICERS AND CHAIRS:  A motion was made by Traci with a second from Kitty to appoint the following officers for the coming year: President – Judy Carbone, Vice President – BJ Gallagher, Treasurer – Sherri Fredlock and Secretary – Linda Carr. The motion carried. Article VII of the By-Laws was reviewed. Under this section the following committees are required: Education, Scholarship, Legislation, Public Relations, Historian, By-Laws and Community Service. The GCCW has the following committees that are not listed in the By-Laws: Hall of Fame, Web Site, Membership, Mentoring. It may be possible to combine some of the committees we have with those required committees that we do not currently have. It was suggested that Judy contact the State Commission for guidance on committees as well as By-Laws. BJ and Traci volunteered to work on a By-Laws committee for the GCCW. Each Committee Chair is asked to email BJ a short description of your committee. She currently has protocols from Web Site, Publicity and HOF.
New Member Recruitment: Clarification of Protocol – Terry made a motion with a second from BJ for the GCCW to approve the following protocol for new member recruitment:
For the process of nominating new members for recommendation to the Commissioners, a current member of the commission will:

  1. Identify a potential member.
  2. Tell the potential member about the Commission and invite them to a meeting. The current member will explain that potential members are voted on by the current membership of the Commission.
  3. The potential member will attend a meeting to learn about the Commission and its mission and goals.
  4. The current member will talk with the potential member after the meeting to determine if they are interested in becoming a member of the Commission.
  5. If the answer is yes, the current member will provide all Commission members with a brief biographical sketch of the potential member.
  6. The Commission will vote (either at their next meeting or digitally) whether to recommend the potential member to the Garrett County Commissioners for membership.
  7. The GCCW Secretary will send a letter of recommendation and a brief biographical sketch to the Commissioners for their approval.

The potential member is welcome to attend meetings of the commission and participate in events during the time between the request letter and official appointment.  They may not, however, serve on the executive committee or be the head of any committee until official appointment is made.
The motion carried. It was further decided that this protocol be part of a Policy and Procedure Handbook rather than part of the By-Laws.
Maryland Commission for Women Listening Session Follow-UP: Judy thanked those GCCW members who were able to attend this event. The MCW was very impressed by the energetic session. A report is on the MCW web site. It was decided to schedule a working session to go over the six needs areas to determine what the GCCW focus should be in the future. The working session will be discussed at the December GCCW meeting. Reporting on the session to the Board of County Commissioners was discussed as well. Judy will be sharing the Listening Session report at the Women’s Networking Luncheon. Judy shared that the MCW has an opening for a Commissioner and that she has information on how to apply. BJ expressed interest in serving on the MCW.
HALL OF FAME:  Judy would like input from the GCCW regarding the 2017 HOF location and date.  BJ suggested that she and Judy meet before the December meeting to discuss location and date.
WEB:  No report
PUBLICITY:  A chair will need to be appointed.
MEMBERSHIP:  No report
MENTORING:  No report

NEXT MEETING:   The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at Garrett College.
ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Riley