GOAL: To honor an extraordinary young woman in grades 9 through 12 who has demonstrated a commitment to leadership, community service and academic excellence.HOW: The honoree will be recognized at the GCCW Annual Hall of Fame Brunch event, dates and location to be determined. She will receive a plaque and the opportunity to name a charity/non-profit of her choice to receive a monetary award.CRITERIA:The honoree must be a native of, or have lived a significant portion of their lives in, Maryland and currently reside in Garrett County.The honoree will be selected based on:• Academic performance• Activities/accomplishments/leadership in school and in the community• Community service projects• Letters of referencePROCEDURE:Nominations will be taken from educators, civic, community and religious leaders in the County. Nomination letters need to include the name and a telephone number for both the nominator and the nominee.NOMINATION PACKETS ARE FOUND AT http://gccw.info/woman-of-tomorrow-award/ They should be dropped off at, or mailed to:Board of County Commissioners203 South Fourth Street, Room 207Oakland, MD 21550Questions? gccwinfo@gmail.comThey must be received by the GCCW at the address above by the established deadline, which is April 1, 2022.Nominees must be attending one of the high schools in Garrett County or, if a home schooled student, be certified by the Garrett County Public School System as being on a 9th-12th grade level. An independent committee will review the nominations and select the honoree.