Dr. Yolanda Michelle Harman was unanimously approved for membership, and subsequently voted for approval by the Garrett County Commissioners on January 19, 2021.
Yolanda Michelle Harman presently serves as Assistant Principal of Northern Garrett High School for the Garrett County Public School system. She taught at NHS and served as science chairperson from 1990 – 2013. She was also the Supervisor of College and Career Readiness for GCPS (2013 – 2017) and Supervisor of Science and Mathematics for WCPS (2017-2019). This is her 31st year in the state of Maryland educational system.
Dr. Harman earned her B.S. in biology from Gannon University and her teaching certification from Frostburg State University where she also obtained her M.Ed. in Administrative and Supervision and a Doctor of Education as a member of the 1st Inaugural Cohort of the program. In 2000, Dr. Harman achieved National Board for Professional Teaching Certification which she successfully renewed in 2010. She is currently in the process of renewing again. Dr. Harman was a former MD Biology Teacher of the Year (2001), Garrett County Teacher of the Year (2005), MD Teacher of the Year finalist (2005), Christa McAuliffe Fellow (2002), and USA Today Teacher of the Year (2001). She has served as an AP Biology reader and table leader since 2000 (-present), MD and AP Assessment Question Writer (various), Toshiba Exploravision Judge (1990 – present, and has reviewed/edited Modern Biology textbook for Holt, Rinehart and Winston (in the 2000s)In 2013-2015, Dr. Harman served on the Governor’s Task Force for Senate Bill 740. She currently serves as the President-elect for the Maryland Science Supervisors Association, a Board Member for Western MD AHEC, and a MASSP Board Member.