Share your Photos of Amazing Garrett County Women!

Share your Photos of Amazing Garrett County Women!

Submit your photos of amazing Garrett County Women & Girls!

This is NOT a photo contest! Rather, we’re hoping to gather an inventory of photos of amazing women and girls to use in the Garrett County Commission for Women’s work! We know there are some amazing women and girls living in Garrett County and we want to showcase them!


Here’s what we need:

We are looking for original, high resolution digital photos (color or black/white).

Make sure any photos submitted were actually taken by YOU, and are not subject to copyright, trademark, or any other legally protected status.

If you want credit as the photographer, please submit the name as you wish it to appear. (This information will be added to the photo by the Garrett County Commission for Women – see the sample).

Please identify all persons in the photo(s). By submitting, you certify that the subject(s) of the photo grant(s) permission to share their likeness with the Garrett County Commission for Women for the uses set forth in this solicitation. Please be careful submitting photos of minors – make sure their parent/legal guardian grants permission to use their likeness. (Notice the use of the rear-facing shot in the sample here, to protect the identities of the children).

For now, we are only looking for photos of subjects currently living in Garrett County.

If you wish the Garrett County Commission for Women to share the name(s) of the persons in your photo, it may be done in the post underneath the photo, not in/on the photo itself. Feel free to include a note explaining why you are sharing the photo, and why the subject(s) of the photo is significant to you. This information may not be able to be shared in every instance of the photo’s use.

If submitted, you give the Garrett County Commission for Women express permission to use the photo to share on the Commission social media, website, publications, events, promotions, news releases, and all other outlets. The Garrett County Commission for Women reserves the right to edit, crop, and/or otherwise manipulate all submitted photos to prepare them for publishing.

Send photos via facebook message or post your pictures directly in a comment on this post! Alternatively, you can send them via email to:

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